

We require everyone joining our treks to have a travel insurance. 


Do I need supplement insurance to go on a Trekalayan trip? 

Yes, no matter what trip you are going on, from a short visit to a strenuous Himalayan trek, you need insurance. You will need to insure yourself against accident, injury and illness, and verify that your policy covers your trek, the highest altitude in your itinerary and any other activities you will participate in. But most importantly, it has to cover the cost of helicopter evacuation and repatriation if necessary.    

Travel insurance can be confusing at times, and many travellers do have questions about them. There are, in fact, several kinds of insurances that are available for the travellers. We will try to do our best to provide a basic guidance to you. However, it is best you discuss your coverages in detail with your insurance provider. As with all policies, it pays to pore over the fine print. 

Types of Insurance 

Travel insurance vaguely covers the followings, 

    • Trip Cancellations 
    • Medical 
    • Evacuation
    • Baggage

    So, let’s go through them. 

      Medical Insurance, is a must, as it covers medical costs you incur because of injury and illness during the trip. It is, in fact, mandatory to have medical insurance to participate in tourist activities in Nepal. Some policies will have limitations on hazardous activities or locations, or exceeding an altitude limit. It is advisable to make sure that the trek to the Himalayas has an insurance coverage up to 6,000 meters (20,000 feet). 

      Evacuation insurance, is a very important requirement if you are planning to travel inside Nepal. Medical care and health facilities are scarce in the remote mountainous areas, and most trekking routes are not easily accessible by roads, making any emergency evacuations to be done via helicopter. That will be expensive, making evacuation insurance a requirement for your trip.  

      Trip cancellation insurance, is not a requirement but strongly encouraged. If due to an unforeseeable circumstance you have to cancel or interrupt your trip, a trip cancellation policy will imburse you for lost expenses. For example, the domestic air traffics in the Himalayas can be notoriously affected by unpredictable weathers, inducing long delays and even flight cancellations. In scenarios such as these, you may require helicopter transfer to meet your international departure flight. Depending on the plan, your policy will help you cover costs for unforeseen events.   

      Baggage insurance is a supplemental policy that protects your bags and possessions while you are travelling. Travel insurance plan with baggage benefits can reimburse you for covered loss, theft or damage to your baggage and personal effects. The policy will require you to report the loss to the airline, airport, police or other relevant authority and present a copy of the report to your insurer.  

      Make sure you’re covered 

      Keeping in mind the remote destinations and conditions encountered on the Himalayas, and the fact that unforeseeable events beyond anyone’s control can happen, we require everyone who tours with us have travel insurance.  

      It is your responsibility to ensure that you are fully and adequately insured for the full duration of the tour. You are responsible for arranging and ensuring you are in possession of a private travel insurance that covers at least medical expenses, injury, death, repatriation, with adequate benefits.   

      Make sure that your insurer knows of your travel plans, and that all activities, excursions and destinations in your itinerary are included in your travel insurance policy. Please ensure that the medical and evacuation policy does not include an altitude limit, advisable to cover up to 6,000 meters/ 20,000 feet, or any activities you will be participating in, such as trekking or water rafting. Read the fine print and ask the insurance company detailed questions. 

      Hopefully, you never have to claim your insurance. But if you must, keep all your receipts, signed medical reports, police reports, missing baggage claims and other relevant documents, which are to be submitted along with the claim. 

      We ask that you keep a copy of your insurance policy summary (containing policy number and the emergency contact number for your insurer) in your day sack at all times, so that we can access this information should we need to contact the insurer on your behalf.   

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